Visit any local package store and you can find beer packaged in countless different shapes, colors, and materials. From unique bottle shapes, slim cans, color changing ink, mini-kegs, and the infamous wide-mouth, everyone in the industry tries to differentiate their packaging from the competition in one way or another. But when it came time for Brew Bus to design our packaging, marketing gimmicks definitely took a back seat.
The Myth About Glass
Some purists or beer snobs may want to tell you that good beer can only be found in brown bottles with a pry top. There is some truth to that; brown bottles do actually protect the beer from UV rays better than green or clear which helps to prevent skunkiness. It is also true that good beer has historically been bottled in brown bottles as a means to signify quality, BUT metal cans seal the beer and protect it from UV rays better than anything else. Cans also do not let off any flavors or changes to the beer like some may think.
Craft Beer in a Can
Cans are usually a smarter option, unfortunately the metal can comes with the impression for some people that the beer inside is cheap. We are proud to be part of a small group of breweries like Cigar City Brewing, Sixpoint, Oskar Blues, and 21st Amendment Brewing who are challenging that idea. Cans can go many places glass can’t; fishing, hiking, the golf course, the beach.
Pak-Tech Tops
These are a relative newcomer to the can game, out-of-towners often find them unusual. Here in Florida we have a special obligation to avoid typical polymer can rings to protect our wild life. Additionally they are reusable and are composed of 96% post consumer recycled plastic. After the cans are sealed and sterilized, a machine clips on the Pak-Tech tops. This poses another added benefit; the tops of the cans are protected from dirt, dust, and hands that may come in contact with the cans as they’re shipped and stored.
Shipping, Storing, and Safety
It was imperative for us to avoid glass for the safety of passengers on our bus, for that reason alone cans were an easy choice. Possibly the biggest benefit to cans with Pak-Tech tops is their ability to stack when shipping, storing and displaying our product. Cans are significantly lighter than glass, and can also can be chilled much faster if you’re in a hurry.
Brown bottles have been the default for most American craft breweries, but they are no more than a marketing tool used in an attempt to signify prestige and quality. Our beer is delicious and we don’t need to put it in a brown bottle to prove that to you.