Florida Avenue Brewing Co. Places 9th in the 2019 U.S. Open Beer Championship
We woke up to some awesome news this morning! Our sister company, Florida Avenue Brewing Co. was designated as a top ten brewery according to the results of the 2019 U.s. Open Beer Championship. Over 7,000 breweries from across the country and overseas competed in the event. FL Ave finished 9th overall!
We received individual medals for the following beers:
Gold: Cucumber Berliner Weisse – Vegetable Beer
Silver: Passion of the Heights Hibiscus Wheat Ale – Herb and Spice Beer
Bronze: Florida Avenue Brown Ale – American Brown Ale
Bronze: Neapolitan Berliner Weisse- Experimental Beer
All of the above beers are currently available on draft and in to go packaging from our tasting room in Seminole Heights.